September 29th 2021 Scarecrow making September 29th 2021 Scarecrow making September 29th 2021 Scarecrow making Ready, steady …… GO, FoHPWW volunteers Cynthia and Brian are all set to start making scarecrows for the Halloween trail in the woodland behind the visitor centre. Shirts and other clothing kindly donated by Ricky Donner (Double Two, Wakefield) and masks purchased from Poundland ready for assembly. We get stuck in, sewing trousers to shirts and then masks to the shirts before finally stuffing them with straw. Many thanks to Sarah and Gavin from Westward Farm, Havercroft (“Hay Up” on Facebook) for supplying the straw. Caroline, Visitor Experience Advisor, at the centre also lent us a hand. “Witch” one is Marian ! Job done. Spot the scarecrows !