April 19th 2023, volunteer session, Spring-clean around Haw Park Wood
April 19th 2023, volunteer session, Spring-clean around Haw Park Wood
Busy day today, Gail has loads of jobs lined up for us to do……Bev was on sign cleaning duty, big job given the number of signs in the wood. Bev has recently agreed to be our new group secretary, we need someone to keep us organised !Sharon has been busy with the wire brush cleaning the gate in Waterton’s tower, then a lick of paint.Great job, well done Sharon.The fences around the watch tower were in need of repair so Pete and Gail got down to it.Another great job done, what a team.Those brambles don’t stand a chance once Pete and Ange set about them.Meanwhile the foresters have been busy repairing the benches ……..….. and the pathways.Fox Well has had a good clean up to, great to see the water being dammed. There may be plans to get a digger in to make it a bit deeper to encourage amphibians to use it.Wow, you just can’t beat the bluebells to lift your spirits, what great nature we have in Haw Park Wood.A new seat has been added to Fox Well, many thanks to Roger Parkinson for the engraving.I love the subtle colouring of the fresh green foliage emerging at this time of year.Buds about to burst …..……. and buds that have burst.And as if the bluebells were not enough, what about the cowslips ! Can it get any better on a lovely sunny spring morning?